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Organic Pennyroyal Mint

This infusion is a perfect combination of pennyroyal and fresh mint (50%/50%), which will give you multiple benefits for your health and it will help you, among other benefits, to relax after a heavy meal.

From 4,25


This infusion is a perfect combination of pennyroyal and fresh mint (50%/50%), which will give you multiple benefits for your health and it will help you, among other things, to relax after a heavy meal.

These two plants have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties and flavor. In different cultures and religions, its benefits for health and well-being were already recognized.

He pennyroyal(pennyroyal), is a plant of wooded and humid areas. Since ancient times, pennyroyal has been highly valued for its digestive properties and its ability to relieve stomach upsets. The mint It is known for its fresh aroma and invigorating flavor. Originally from the Mediterranean and Western Asia, it has been appreciated since ancient times for its digestive, soothing and refreshing properties. It was taken as an infusion to relieve indigestion, stomach upset and stress.

The Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation recommends using 30 grams of the plant for every liter of water to prepare it as an infusion. Pennyroyal contains an essential oil with menthol, pulegone, isopulegone, piperitenone and limonene, as well as bitter ingredients and tannins.

As for the benefits of pennyroyal infusion, these are some of the most notable:

  1. Appetite and digestion stimulant: Helps improve appetite and facilitates digestion.
  2. Antispasmodic: Helps relieve digestive spasms or colic.
  3. Cholagogue: Facilitates the evacuation of bile from the gallbladder.
  4. carminative: Prevents gases and facilitates their expulsion.
  5. Antiseptic and parasiticide: Helps fight infections and parasites.
  6. Antioxidant: Protects against damage to genetic material produced by situations of cellular oxidative stress.
  7. Diaphoretic: Stimulates sweating and, therefore, the elimination of toxins.
  8. Relieves headache: It is indicated to relieve migraines.
  9. Emmenagogue: Promotes blood circulation in the area of the pelvis and uterus, which is why it is used for delayed periods.
  10. Clears the airways: It can be used for colds, as it helps clear the airways.
  11. Relaxing: It has relaxing properties, so nighttime ingestion is not contraindicated.

Pennyroyal mint infusion can be taken two to three times a day. However, it is important to remember that although pennyroyal has many benefits, it may also have contraindications and is not recommended in some cases, such as during pregnancy. It is always advisable to consult a health professional before starting to consume any supplement or change your diet.

Additional image by zirconicusso on Freepik

Additional information

Weight0,3 kg
Dimensions3×60×80 cm

50g, 100g, 250g, 500g


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