Where to buy ground or bean coffee and loose tea

Directory of stores where you can buy our specialty coffee

Buy artisanal roasted coffee, teas
and infusions in a physical store

Specialty artisanal ground coffee, of your choice: Ground espresso, for French press, for paper filter or for Italian coffee maker. Also sale of coffee beans.

In addition to our online store of artisanal coffees and infusions,
You can taste and purchase our products at the following establishments:


Local sales and in-store pickups for purchases made at balispecialcoffee.com

La Malacara Cocina Italo Argentina y degustación de cafes

The Malacara

Italo-Argentine cuisine. Tasting and sale of artisanal coffees and infusions.

Virgin of the Tabernacle, 21
28027 Madrid (Concepción)

647 94 53 43 | info@lamalacara.com


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