Healthy benefits of moderate coffee consumption that we were still unaware of

Coffee, one of the most consumed drinks in the world, is much more than just a drink. With every cup we drink throughout the day, we are taking advantage of the many benefits of coffee.

Known benefits of coffee

Nuevos descubrimientos y beneficios del cafe molido

One of the greatest benefits of coffee is that it is a drink delicious in antioxidants, especially polyphenols. These antioxidants are present especially in green coffee beans and although some are eliminated with roasting, the truth is that roasted coffee is still a good source of them.

In addition, caffeine, the component in coffee that stimulates and activates us, is responsible for improving some cognitive functions, such as accelerating brain processes and improving memory.

Recent discoveries in health

The most recent studies have found a possible association between coffee and decreased mortality. Coffee may offer some protection against diseases such as Parkinson's, type 2 diabetes, liver diseases including liver cancer, and heart attacks and strokes.

Three cups of coffee a day are associated with a lower risk of stroke and fatal heart disease.

In addition, a study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in 2021 ensures that three cups of coffee a day are associated with a lower risk of stroke and fatal heart disease.

Coffee break at work

La pausa para el café en el trabajo es más que un simple descanso. Este pequeño paréntesis puede ser un buen aliado desde el punto de vista tanto psicológico como físico, pues ayuda a aumentar la productividad.

The fact of having to get up and move to another room makes our body physically active. In addition, caffeine keeps us alert for the next few hours at our workplace, promoting concentration.

The “coffee break” offers us the opportunity to interact with our colleagues and improve work relationships.

In addition, the coffee break offers us the opportunity to interact with our colleagues and improve work relationships. Breaks help us be more efficient, since we disconnect from work for a few minutes and come back with more enthusiasm.

In short, coffee is not only a delicious drink, but it also has numerous benefits for our health and well-being. So, the next time you enjoy a cup of coffee, remember all the benefits it is giving you.

Cone, water cooler cup holder.