Organic tea and infusions

Aromas and flavors that will make you dream

Unique quality, aroma and flavor

Here, we present a series of flavors of organic tea and infusions  delicious for you to enjoy with your loved ones at home. There is a lot of variety and unique flavors!
You can use our special classification, for health benefits especially highlighted in each tea or infusion:

Top quality Natural Teas and Infusions

At Bali Specialty Coffee, we believe that every cup of coffee or infusion is an opportunity to experience a moment of pleasure and well-being. We offer a wide variety of coffees and natural infusions, from invigorating black tea to relaxing chamomile.

Packagings de manzanillas e infusiones bali specialty coffee
rooibos ecologico natural imagen freepic wirestock
Infusiones Naturales Mix Bio Bali Specialty Coffee
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A World of Flavors

Discover the wealth of flavors we offer. Our black tea It is strong and robust, perfect for starting the day with energy. He White tea, soft and delicate, it is ideal for a moment of tranquility. Our Green Tea It is known for its antioxidant properties and its fresh, revitalizing flavor. He rooibos, caffeine-free, is an excellent option for any time of the day. And our chamomile It is the perfect choice to relax before bed.

Health benefits

Además de ser deliciosos, nuestros cafés e infusiones tienen numerosos beneficios para la salud. Son una fuente natural de antioxidantes, pueden ayudar a mejorar la digestión, y algunos incluso pueden contribuir a la pérdida de peso. Pero lo más importante es que cada taza es una invitación a tomarse un momento para uno mismo, para relajarse y disfrutar.

Quality and Sustainability

We are committed to offering the highest quality products, carefully selecting our varieties and ensuring they are sustainably grown. We believe that a good coffee or infusion should not only taste good, but also do good.


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